When Sim Hoffman started out his impressive career, the role of a radiologist was still rather traditional in its nature. This meant –
almost exclusively – the creation and interpretation of diagnostic
images. This notion is rather obsolete now, as the role of today’s
medical radio imaging experts, if anything, is ever-evolving.
Radiologists are now expected to do more and be more, but that is not
only a professional requirement but also a personal mission inspired by
improving technology and the evolving roles that today’s medical
professionals fill, which are also different compared to how they were
even a couple of decades ago.
Change Since the Mid 90’s
There have been marked changes in medicine in the last two decades. The technology and the funding for diagnostic tools have increased significantly. This changed the role of the radiologist as well.
Better Collaboration
The need to develop better working relationships with the ordering doctors (those who order certain imaging tests) has significantly increased as well. As a result, a radiologist today is required to survey other specialists to guarantee the standard of procedure expected of them.
Their Unique Role
As the number of outpatients increase, radiologists need to contribute more to their care, especially when it comes to developing and maintaining well-functioning working relationships with referring doctors. A hospital department that wants to function well involves radiologists at every phases of the decision making process.
As an expert radiologist himself, Sim Hoffman welcomes these new challenges that require more and more from him and his fellow radiologists.
Change Since the Mid 90’s
There have been marked changes in medicine in the last two decades. The technology and the funding for diagnostic tools have increased significantly. This changed the role of the radiologist as well.
Better Collaboration
The need to develop better working relationships with the ordering doctors (those who order certain imaging tests) has significantly increased as well. As a result, a radiologist today is required to survey other specialists to guarantee the standard of procedure expected of them.
Their Unique Role
As the number of outpatients increase, radiologists need to contribute more to their care, especially when it comes to developing and maintaining well-functioning working relationships with referring doctors. A hospital department that wants to function well involves radiologists at every phases of the decision making process.
As an expert radiologist himself, Sim Hoffman welcomes these new challenges that require more and more from him and his fellow radiologists.